Transponder (Delta)
I am now fully back and happy to announce that Transponder (Delta) is finally out!
You can find that and all the streaming links here!
andthe NG version here!
This is definitely my favorite thing I've released so far, and by far, the proudest I've been of a song. Took me a month or two longer than expected, but now I'm just happy to finally have it out there instead of having yet another month of tweaking things to (further) perfection. This is also the best way I can fully show off my intended direction style-wise going forward. I hope everyone enjoys!

the website
In other news, to go alongside this release, I decided to finally make that website I was planning to make for almost a year now. Just a simple, crappy design to do what I need to do with it. This will be the home of all my "stream/download" links going forward. Much more customizable and easy to use than toneden's fanlink tool. Which I just found out they had changed the urls for every fanlink ever, turning all the previous ones I was using into dead-links. So this was perfect timing. In the future, I'm planning on adding an archive for any old/unreleased stuff that I don't feel like having out there on my main pages. (i.e. I Am Error (2017)) Huge shout out to for being a great website alternative to all the big, expensive (or shitty) website creators.
You can access the website here!

other stuff
Anyway, just wanted to post a nice, lengthy update while I was here. Going to take a very short break from music to catch up on sleep and life in general. I am planning to make an almost-but-not-really b-sides EP featuring Transponder and Dance of Life. That will be my last little project before I can commit myself to this album I keep putting off.
ok bye